All applications will be reviewed by a quorum of the standing Board of Directors in a timely manner. The majority vote on the application will result in release of funds to recipient. Please fill complete the application and press the SEND button.
Tier 1 -
Active Duty Military EOD Technician, EOD Reservist on Active Duty, wounded in combat operations.
Tier 2 -
Military EOD Technicians/ wounded in non-combat EOD operation
Tier 3 -
EOD Support Personnel - in "direct" support of EOD operations in combat and permanently assigned to operational EOD units
Tier 4 -
Federal State and Local Bomb Technicians, members of IABTI
Tier 5 -
All other inquires will be reviewed on a case by case basis
*All applicants are subject to validation of above statuses by their Commanding Officer or Corporate Executive